
Nutritional advice.
During the exploratory meeting, we will look together at the ration and its quality. Of course, the level of effort is important for determining which amounts are wise to give. Also very important is the type of breed and the height of the horse/pony.

Supplement advice
A supplement advice will be given based on the complaints of your horse/pony. There is always a supplement available for every ailment that is beneficial to the health of your animal. We can help you make the right decision for your horse/pony with a supplement that you like. This can be done with supplements from the established order, or with a herbal mix put together by us.

Such a composite herbal mix is ​​made after an intake interview has taken place and the complaints are clear. A herbal mix can therefore change per horse and the composition of the mix is ​​also examined monthly and whether anything needs to be changed.